Log Cabins and Flowers pattern is now our idea for this week. As you know how to make a quilt or even a fabric cover whatever it is to get different and beautiful shapes, it takes a few steps first and that’s exactly where the block patterns come in.
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Log Cabins and Flowers pattern
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Only one more block pattern until you complete your 12 month quilt along DIY quilt! This Log Cabins and Flowers Pattern is a truly gorgeous block design for you to add to your almost complete BOM quilt. This pattern is from allpeoplequilt.com/ really special pattern for download.
Made with traditional quilting in mind, this free star quilt block has a pinwheel design for its center. Now that you have been making monthly quilt blocks the Log Cabins and Flowers pattern, creating this one will seem like a total breeze. SEE ALSO: Quilt Block Tutorial Block 2 Meet the Makers
Plus, the stunning combination of a flower and a star pattern will give a truly unique addition to your already stunning DIY quilt and Log Cabins and Flowers Pattern.
In fact, any kind of work that we are going to create or elaborate still needs some important steps, such as making the assembly. The most interesting thing is that it doesn’t matter if the work has a sense of a triangle, a square, a rectangle, the squares have their priority.
Each piece of quilt that we think of, we exactly think of doing it in a different way and at that moment we start thinking from scratch how to assemble the right block for this or that work we are creating and or reforming.
There are over 70 kinds of block patterns and believe me there are people who have worked in this area for over 30 or 40 years and don’t know all of them or have never done it. Do you know why? Because many of the times our work becomes quieter and easier when we create a pattern of our own. And you know Log Cabins and Flowers pattern?
From now on we will start once a week (which will be 70 weeks) showing you each block of this and where and how you can use it. Besides, I’m going to ask you a question: do you know how many types of standards there are?
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If you don’t worry we’ll show you these patterns and how beautiful they are. To do so, subscribe to our website and receive our free News Feed and with it you’ll get the best of quilt news every day!
Don’t forget to share this article, comment here below what you found, what blocks you know, what types of quilt you know and we’ll talk about several other patterns here for you. But for now let’s start with just these sensational blocks for you to make and remembering that this wonderful block you will be able to do several jobs. [opd id=”203″]
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