HomeQuilt blocksAir Castle Quilt Block

Air Castle Quilt Block

Air Castle Quilt Block is an interesting design and another nine-patch. It is also a great design to add in corners of borders for quilts like Entwined Star. This block Air Castle Quilt is a great way of experimenting with different forms of triangle construction. I am using three different techniques to form the three different units.

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Air Castle Quilt Block

The corner units are half square triangles (HST), the middle unit is a square-in-a-square block where I use snowball corners and the star points have both quarter square triangles (QST) and HST. The latter are also made in Twin Star block, but this time I’m going to show you a different way to make them.

Air Castle Quilt Block
Air Castle Quilt Block – OBS: this block in the image is not ours. If someone knows please post in the comments so we know who it is and put the proper credits.

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Create a sweet and simple star block that brings to mind quilts that Grandma used to make with this Castles in the Air Block Tutorial. Made in scrumptious colors like fresh raspberry and creamy white, this quilt block tutorial shows you how to design a simple star using half square triangles, making it perfect for quilting beginners.

This classic block design is a great option for using up pretty spring fat quarters and is just one block in a block of the month series. If you’ve always wanted to give quilting a try, this star block tutorial is the best way to kick off a new year of quilting.

Another Preparing the Pieces and Sewing the Block

First air castle quilt block pattern mark and cut the Color 1 2-1/2″ x 10″ strip into four 2-1/2″ squares…

Then mark and cut the Color 2 4-7/8″ x 9-3/4″ strip into two 4-7/8″ squares. Stack and cut these together on the diagonal to make four half square triangles…

Now speed piece the half squares, by stacking a Color 3 and Color 1 4-7/8″ square right sides together, and a Color 3 and Color 2 4-7/8″ square right sides together. On the back of the top squares, lightly mark the diagonals.

Sew a scant 1/4″ above the marked diagonals, and again a scant 1/4″ below the marked diagonals. Cut apart ON the marked diagonals to get two half squares of each. Press seam allowances towards the darker fabrics. Trim these back to measure 4-1/2″ if needed…

To make the half quarter squares, stack a Color 3 and a Color 1 5-1/4″ square right sides together, and as in the step above, mark the diagonals and sew a scant 1/4″ above and below this marking.

Cut apart on the marked diagonal, then stack the two closed units, and cut again on the other diagonal. This will give you four half quarter squares. Press seam allowances towards the darker fabrics…

Sew each of the four half quarter squares to a Color 2 half square triangle. Press seam allowances towards the half square triangles. Trim these back to measure 4-1/2″

To download castle in the air quilt block you use the bellow button. This pattern is free and in PDF have 3 tips for use personal your.  This PDF contains 3 types as the same pattern, one of which is ours with a template that you can print and make the pattern markings. This pattern I think is intermediate.

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