HomeQuiltingAll in one sleep bag Free Pattern

All in one sleep bag Free Pattern

An All in one sleep bag is Better Free Pattern for and pillow made with plush fabric make the perfect place to cuddle up and read a book (or drift off). This article will bring you two PDF’s with the same pattern but each one contains the same information but placed in different ways for you to have exactly an idea of what that pattern is like.  The Designer is from Pat Wodskow of Cuddle Soft Quilt Kits.

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All in one sleep bag – Better Free Pattern

In an easy way you will now have a brief reading of how the pattern is made and the materials that are used to make it. I highly recommend that you read it to understand before downloading the PDF or even after, so that you can learn about it and make your pattern splendidly.

Materials for One Nap Sack

All in one sleep bag 01
All in one sleep bag

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  • 1-3⁄8 yards aqua novelty print plush fabric (nap sack exterior)
  • 1-3⁄8 yards white novelty print plush fabric (lining, straps)
  • 5⁄8 yard circle print plush fabric (pillow)
  • Polyester fiberfill

Finished pillow: 17″ square

Finished nap sack: 27×43″

Yardages and cutting instructions are based on 60″ of usable fabric width. Measurements include 1⁄2″ seam allowances unless otherwise stated. Sew with right sides together unless otherwise stated.

Cut Fabrics

Cut pieces in the following order.

From aqua novelty print plush fabric, cut:

  • 1-45×56″ rectangle
  • 2-2-1⁄2×19″ strips for straps

From white novelty print plush fabric, cut:

  • 1-45×56″ rectangle
  • 2-2-1⁄2×19″ strips for straps

From circle print plush fabric, cut:

  • 3-18″ squares

 Assemble Straps

  1. With right sides together and using a 1⁄4″ seam allowance, join an aqua print plush 2-1⁄2×19″ strip and a white print plush 2-1⁄2×19″ strip along each long edge, leaving short ends open (Diagram 1).
  2. Turn right side out through one short end. Topstitch 1⁄2″ from seams to make a strap. Repeat to make a second strap.

Assemble Pillow

  1. Place circle print plush fabric 18″ square right side up with nap going down. Mark center of square along top edge. Place one end of a strap 1″ from center mark (Diagram 2); pin. Place remaining end of strap on adjacent side of square, 12″ from top edge; pin. Repeat with remaining strap. Baste straps in place to make pillow back.
  2. Place a second circle print plush fabric 18″ square right side down with nap going down. Fold up 1″ along one edge; pin (Diagram 3). Topstitch fold next to raw edge to hem and make pillow front.
  3. Lay pillow back right side up on a flat surface. Align top edge of pillow front with top edge of pillow back. Place remaining circle print plush fabric 18″ square right side down atop layers, making sure direction of nap matches pillow front and pillow back nap.
  4. Sew around three sides of layered pieces, leaving bottom edge open (Diagram 4). Trim corners to reduce bulk. Turn right side out to make pillow. Stuff pillow about three fourths full between pillow back and middle square. It should bepartially filled, but not full, as you fold the sleeping bag inside this pocket.
  5. Hand-stitch bottom of pillow closed. The hand stitching will be inside the bag, so it will not show, but it helps keep the fiberfill inside the pillow as you sew together the pillow and sleeping bag.

SEE ALSO: Perfect Sunshine Slice of Life Baby Quilt

 Assemble Nap Sack

    1. Fold aqua novelty print plush fabric 45×56″ rectangle in half with right side inside to make a 28×45″ rectangle; pin. Starting 10″ from top, sew together side and bottom edges to make sleeping bag exterior (Diagram 5). Turn right side out.
    2. Using white novelty print plush fabric 45×56″ rectangle, repeat Step 1 to make lining, leaving a 10″ opening in bottom seam for turning (Diagram 6). Do not turn lining right side out.
    3. Insert sleeping bag exterior inside lining with right sides together. Align raw edges and side seams; pin.
    4. Pin right side of pillow back (with straps) to right side of nap sack exterior back, about 5″ from each side edge of sleeping bag exterior (Diagram 7). Sew together around top edge and along open side edges. Designer Pat Wodskow suggests basting this seam first since there are five layers to keep aligned  to your All in one sleep bag.
    5. Turn right side out through opening in lining. Topstitch along top and side seams.
    6. Hand-stitch opening in bottom of lining closed to com plete nap sackbag.

7. To secure lining to exterior, turn nap sack inside out and make a few hand tack stitches attaching the corner of lining to the exterior seam. This will keep the lining from coming out as the child climbs in and out of the sack.

Now in the button below you can download the two PDF’s remembering that they are the same, but each one is in different forms for you to understand in the best possible way. Please leave your comment here below about what you think of this article.[opd id=”294″]

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