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Desert Flower Quilt Block

Desert Flower Quilt Block literally is a rose, actually a very beautiful quilt pattern that you need to make for your home, either to use as decorative or as part of personal use, so let’s understand a little more about this pattern.

Desert Flower Quilt Block

Desert Flower Quilt Block
Desert Flower Quilt Block

The desert rose is a flower that has been very successful due to its unique beauty, and many people dream of having it in their backyard.

Do you know what a desert rose is or Desert Flower Quilt Block? Well, the desert rose is a flower native to South Africa and belongs to the Apocynaceae family. It can grow up to 4 meters tall and 1.5 meters wide when cultivated in its natural environment.

This type of flower easily adapts to tropical countries, after all, they are plants originating from very warm areas. And in its shape the stem is thicker at the base because the flower originating in desert areas needs structure to withstand a lot of wind and reserve water. This shape makes the desert rose resemble a small tree with visible roots, it looks beautiful in the vertical garden as well.[et_bloom_inline optin_id=optin_5]

The desert rose is related to its mineral formation, which takes place through hydrated calcium sulfate. This means that the desert rose is a selenite species, originating from the term Selene, designating the Greek goddess of the moon.

Within this idea, it is believed that the Desert Flower Quilt Block can symbolize mental clarity, kindness, love, attentiveness, and tolerance.

What does the desert rose symbolize?

Desert Flower Quilt Block
Desert Flower Quilt Block

The desert rose plant when grown can symbolize kindness, love, mental clarity, attentiveness, tolerance, and success in business. Actually the meaning of a plant comes much further than just kindness or love and so on. To me the meaning of the desert rose is exactly what makes your heart scream when you see it.

Making this block with Desert Flower Quilt Block is very interesting and this can be more than we think. The desert flower exists in over 90 different shades and this just inspires us to make a beautiful pattern that can be or have many color variations.

The PDF is quite simple but I am sure you can make this amazing quilt for your home, for example a beautiful picture, a table runner or wonderful pillows and cushions, either way use your ideas and your favorite colors! This pattern, you can see more informations here in quilterscache.com PATTERN FREE: TUTORIAL PDF

Hourglass quilt pattern

Hourglass quilt pattern was a “second name” I gave to the pattern because it is not mine and I will make it very clear here that this pattern is not ours but the quilt designer Anita Grossman Solomon that by the way you can see and have access to the original post here at www.allpeoplequilt.com. The fact is that I found this pattern very beautiful and because it is a type of hourglass shaped fabric cut I then thought it would be interesting to post it here with this name.

Hourglass quilt pattern

Hourglass quilt pattern
Hourglass quilt pattern – Name real from pattern is: A Cut Abot in https://www.allpeoplequilt.com/quilt-patterns/bed-quilts/a-cut-above

Hourglass quilt pattern or A cut Above when we see it as in the image above it can be actually kind of complicated to do, but if we pay attention to the type of cut it is actually an hourglass or even for those who are more “detailed” it is two triangles which their larger tips are glued or spliced as you prefer to put it.

To achieve this complicated look, simply assemble hourglass units, cut them apart, and sew them back together in a new arrangement.

For completeness Hourglass quilt pattern, when you access the article you will see that it has very interesting details and you can download the PDF for free and the pattern is finished with 96-1/2″ square and finished block with 24″ square.

As you notice in the image it is quite colorful and differentiated and this is really an “alluring” advantage because the more colorful and combined are the colors, the more our eyes are enchanted and seduced to want to stare longer.

See also

This is the free quilt pattern uncle, the Hourglass quilt pattern, that makes us happy, not just to look at, but to want to make for our home, actually for our bed and combined with colorful pillows, pillows with prints or even plain fabric (single color) our eyes fill with joy.[et_bloom_inline optin_id=optin_5]

Hourglass quilt pattern or A Cut Above from allpeoplequilt.com is actually a source of inspiration, if you think about it you can also make a beautiful runner or table runner, you can make pillows for the living room, you can make pillows, cover for your sofa or any other that you want to do and not to mention the countless possible colors.

Hourglass quilt pattern
Hourglass quilt pattern – Name real from pattern is: A Cut Abot in https://www.allpeoplequilt.com/quilt-patterns/bed-quilts/a-cut-above

When making your Hourglass quilt pattern or A Cut Above, pay attention to the details of the colors, you can invert, change, even make it with varying shades of one color only. I can’t forget to mention that colorful is wonderful, and for sure it’s a great product to sell, because of its varied colors.

So we hope that you have enjoyed this quilt and that you can download it to make great projects like these, and I heartily congratulate the designer of the project Anita Grossman Solomon.[opd id=”270″]

Different Twist pattern free

Different Twist pattern is that kind of pattern that is really different and very well chosen as to the colors and the way it was well done the marriage between them in this pattern that as my husband says is very different. First of all it is important to know that this pattern is NOT OURS but Designed by Linda Miller’s, which you can find in the blog www.free-quilting.com. Visit it as soon as you can to see more wonders.

Different Twist pattern
Different Twist pattern

Different Twist pattern

Some patterns like these are very important to have in our collections, especially if you are looking for novelties for your customers and always keep new and the most beautiful ones. Another nice thing is that each pattern can be made in any way you like. What do you mean you might ask?

Well in my personal response I really like to make each pattern meaningful. Why do I think this way? The reason is that when we make something meaningful it becomes one of the best possible, the designs, the colors and even the purpose for which it was made becomes one of the best.

Another more important thing is that when we have clients we sometimes spend hours at the sewing or finishing machine to be able to do our best and thus maintain a beautifully made pattern. Let’s take a look now at our Different Twist pattern?

100% cotton fabric is the best fabric to make a patchwork quilt. However there are some preparations that we have to have before starting our projects. However, in this post I will teach you how to make patchwork in a correct way and without unexpected surprises.

To begin with always wash your fabrics before using them to see if any of them shed dyes or shrink (all cotton fabrics shrink a little). This simple procedure can prevent you from losing all your work. Although you can find good quality fabrics on the market, some can still give you a few scares. Try to wash them separately and let them dry in the shade without stretching the fabric.

There are people who like to iron the fabric and then cut them because it is easier to do so.
Iron the fabric by the length, folding by the width, this will help when cutting. This way you win, which is very important.

Buy quality fabrics, especially the tricoline fabrics, with their tighter wefts, they are thicker, which prevents them from losing their shape. Good quality fabrics add value to your pieces because of their quality.

Keep your fabrics separated by size, color, and away from dust and direct sunlight. Even scraps can be stored in organizer boxes. The more organized you are, the easier it is to find them. In the world of patchwork nothing is wasted, everything can be used and transformed into beautiful pieces! Remember, a finished patchwork quilt can never be stored in plastic Different Twist pattern free.

Make intelligent use of the fabrics to get the most out of each one. For in my time in patchwork I have found that we can make miracles with little fabric. Invest in plain fabrics that give a charm to the pieces and are also cheaper.

After choosing your project, separate the fabrics and cut squares, rectangles, and strips. Connect the sides right to right with a straight seam. If necessary, place pins to secure the seam. Don’t forget to open the seams when you are done. Make as many blocks as necessary to make the desired size of your quilt. A tip I give to beginners is to start by making baby quilts or blankets to cover or decorate.

Don’t look for perfection, Different Twist pattern free but do your best without exaggeration. With time you will naturally improve, discovering techniques to make your work easier, and we always have something to learn.PATTERN FREE: TUTORIAL PDF

Butterfly Blooms Quilt Tutorial

Butterfly Blooms Quilt Tutorial is a very different kind of quilt that you can make for your home, your decoration, and what is really striking is the ability of this pattern to adapt to fabrics or even to the type of decoration or use you want to make in your home.

Butterfly Blooms Quilt Tutorial

Butterfly Blooms Quilt Tutorial
Butterfly Blooms Quilt Tutorial

Butterfly Blooms Quilt Tutorial you will see on some blogs and sites around the internet but this pattern is not free and its design was Georgette Dell’Orco. The pattern can be purchased, or purchased here on our dear Jordan’s website for only $9.95. Unfortunately I have not yet been able to make this pattern to get a pattern templates, and I am still struggling to make others that I have previously promised. BUY THE PATTERN HERE IF YOU WANT

The good thing is that I am doing better and can make the other backlogs faster if I don’t make up other patterns. And about this pattern I really think it is wonderful and the fabric tips to make them are so many that it is really complicated to explain.

Butterfly Blooms Quilt Tutorial
Butterfly Blooms Quilt Tutorial

But let’s try a little? Finished quilt measures 76″ x 86″ and is roll-up friendly, just add background and borders. Clearly you can increase the size as you see fit, either more or less, it’s up to you and your taste.


You can also make the pattern as follows

This striking quilt starts with strips and ends with beautiful butterflies and blooms in each square. The many colors make the quilt sparkle. This project is jelly roll (2 1/2″ strip) friendly. First picture shows the quilt made up in Tambourine by Anna Maria Horner.[et_bloom_inline optin_id=optin_3]

The pattern includes instructions for:

  • Throw (66″ x 66″)
  • Twin (76″ x 86″)
  • King (106″ x 106″)

This striking quilt starts with strips and ends with beautiful butterflies and blooms in each square. The many colors make the quilt sparkle.

Butterfly Quilt patterns are really wonderful to make but consist of each person’s personal taste or in the case of two basic situations, of the quilter liking it or the customer liking it and placing an order.

Butterfly Blooms Quilt Tutorial
Butterfly Blooms Quilt Tutorial

Although they are very tiny animals, but very beautiful in nature, making quilt patterns with butterflies still generates some controversy in their patterns, because as I always say, taste is taste and we can’t argue, agree?

As stated above we do not yet have a pattern of our own designed on this pattern, however it is said that through the Jordan Fabrics video you can easily make this pattern. PATTERN TUTORIAL

Strip Star Sampler Quilt Pattern

This Strip Star Sampler Quilt Pattern sampler quilt features five different block designs with a star medallion in the center. The pattern is most striking when made up in a limited unified color scheme, like the green, aqua and blue shown here.

Strip Star Sampler Quilt Pattern

Strip Star Sampler Quilt Pattern
Strip Star Sampler Quilt Pattern

The pattern was designed for the Go! Fabric Cutter but charts are provided that you can use for rotary cutting. If you have a Go! cutter, the pattern uses the GO! Strip Cutter-2-1/2″ (2″ Finished) and GO! Strip Cutter-4-1/2″ (4″ Finished).

There are several Y-seams in the pattern Strip Star Sampler Quilt Pattern as shown. This excellent video tutorial will help you to master those. Even so, this is a fairly challenging quilt and may not be the best choice for beginning quilters. The finished quilt is 45″ x 45″. Read an overview of this pattern at the National Quilters Circle website.

Sampler quilts are so called because they sample many different and varied patchwork blocks and types of patchwork fabric. A sampler quilt can have examples of pieced patchwork blocks, appliqué blocks and paper pieced blocks such as clamshell or hexagons to name but a few.

The quilter will sort out different block patterns and choose those that complement each other and also that will show off her skills. In a class the tutor will make sure that each block included in a sampler quilt will be a learning curve for the pupil and stretch his or her abilities to the full, use of sewing machines can help speed things up.

There are so many traditional patchwork block patterns that sampler quilts can vary from maker to maker without any crossovers of patterns. Often sampler quilts will be made up into Quillows which is an American word which means a cross between a pillow (cushion) and a quilt using quilting fabric and quilt wadding and Strip Star Sampler Quilt Pattern is perfect.

Nine blocks will be made and sewn together with a tenth block sewn onto the back of the finished piece leaving one edge open. The quilt is then folded and turned into the tenth block through the opening thus forming the cushion.

These are exceptionally useful Strip Star Sampler Quilt Pattern and can be used in the car, at home, on the beach or in any number of ways where a quilt would be in the way until it was wanted for warmth or comfort.

Strip Star Sampler Quilt Pattern
Strip Star Sampler Quilt Pattern

Now that you know a bit of history, take a good look at the pattern we are presenting to you. Do you know why I say this here? This pattern is one of those very delicate ones that you need to think about before you start sewing the fabrics.

This pattern is very colorful especially in the stars that compose it, see that they are 3 parts well colored outside the borders of the stars and the part inside that are 4 squares or blocks of colored, (in the case you can use printed fabrics in the middle).

Look closely: this pattern is practically all the basic geometries gathered in one place. From triangles to circles. We hope you like this pattern and that you can make it to your liking, or in your own way. We also hope you will use this idea to make your Christmas merry. DOWNLOAD PATTERN

Tropicolor Birds Quilt Pattern free

The Tropicolor Birds Quilt Pattern brings the idea of nature into our homes, birds are increasingly present in decorating environments. It is common to see these decorative objects in living rooms, bedrooms, bathrooms and even offices.

Tropicolor Birds Quilt Pattern

Tropicolor Birds Quilt Pattern
Tropicolor Birds Quilt Pattern
The bird symbolizes lightness and freedom, and transmits to homes the feeling of being closer to nature. Urban spaces are increasingly being decorated with elements that refer to the environment.
Whether made of porcelain, glass, fabric, metal or even wood, they have become a trend in decoration. Wooden floors and furniture, vertical gardens, and decorative animals are ways to bring nature into the home.
Decorative objects in the shape of birds harmonize with all decoration styles – classic, modern, rustic, and stripped down. They can be applied in several ways: reproduction in their actual format, in paintings, on fabric prints, carpets, adhesives, and wall hangings, among others.
The Tropicolor Birds Quilt Pattern In living rooms, kitchens, balconies, bedrooms, and bathrooms, birds are used as a detail in the decoration, blending in with other adornments such as branches, cages, and pout-pourris.
However, even in their simplicity, birds never go unnoticed in the environment. They lend charm and elegance to spaces.

See also these beautiful patterns

With this meaning in mind so to speak about birds and how they can help us, in fact cheer us up, it is quite cozy and happy to actually use good and wonderful fabrics with beautiful, striking, and unforgettable bird prints.
Of course for us who live in colder regions, many varieties of birds we don’t have, that’s why we rejoice and are happy to use beautiful patterns, actually use wonderful bird and bird fabrics in our quilt work in the most amazing ways.
So that Tropicolor Birds Quilt Pattern will and does have an extra meaning, do you know what that meaning is? Of love, of peace of joy, of prosperity and knowing that God created such beautiful creatures just to give us pleasure in hearing their beautiful songs and seeing their beautiful colors.

Where to buy the fabrics for this pattern?

You will buy the fabrics here on this site myfavoritequiltstore.com/products. There are other amazing fabrics that you will find that are just as beautiful.
We hope you enjoyed this article and that you can join our Facebook groups and of course make the most amazing and beautiful quilt pieces for your loved ones! DOWNLOAD PATTERN

Double Aster Block

The Double Aster Block is a classic design credited to Nancy Cabot. In Jinny Beyer’s book The Quilter’s Album of Patchwork Blocks, Nancy Cabot is said to have presented this block, which she called Double Windmill, in her Chicago Tribune column of October 26, 1936, and attributed it to an old Pennsylvania Dutch pattern pieced in Philadelphia as early as 1800.

Double Aster Block

Double Aster Quilt Block 2
Double Aster Block Quilt 
Nancy Cabot was on a roll — 2 weeks later, she added 2 triangles to each quarter-block and the new block became Double Aster. She “fertilized” Double Aster with 8 more triangles and a dozen squares and created a new block.

Double Aster Block
Double Aster Block
I fell in love with Double Aster in the late 1990s, when I used it in this sampler quilt. (Sorry this is only one section of the quilt. The blocks are 16 inches, it is a big quilt!)
At that time, we developed a Double Aster class plan that we made available to stores. It was great for learning about the triangles in Sets A and B because the block has 4 different sized triangles. I had made 8-1/2, 12 and 16 inch Double Aster blocks, but not a 6 inch block.
When I first saw Peony in the Farmer’s Wife Sampler Quilt book, I thought it wa Double Aster and assumed it looked different because it was so small. Then I realized Peony had more stuff going on at the edges, which seemed to clutter the design. That settled my decision to make Double Aster for my quilt and share it with you. By the way, it was only after I decided that I compared the number of pieces. Double Aster has only 37 pieces, compared to 57 for Peony — wouldn’t you rather cut, sew and press 37 pieces than 57?

Choice your fabrics here

A Double Aster for our Mystery Quilt

Made with Set A, this is also a perfect block for our 8-1/2 inch mystery quilt. (Click the images for a larger view.)

Double Aster Block
Double Aster Block

Bonus Sizes

Double Aster is also a perfect block to demonstrate the versatility of the templates. You’re using From Marti Michell templates to make 6-inch blocks, but our basic sets (A through D) can make up to 4 sizes each of hundreds of block designs.
If you own Set A, you can make Double Aster in 3 sizes (6, 8-1/2 and 12 inches, finished). And you get 3 more sizes with Set B (8, 11-1/4, and 16 inches).
Double Aster Block
Double Aster Block

What’s the 2+2 triangles in the 12-inch block?  It’s triangle template A-2 doing a template trick! You can cut any triangle twice as big using this trick!  (It’s great for Flying Geese units, too — cut the 2 small triangles with the triangle template, then use this template trick to cut the center triangle!) See 31 sizes of Flying Geese in More Bang for the Buck!

Double Aster Quilt Block
Double Aster Quilt Block
I hope you enjoyed this article, in fact this wonderful quilt block. From now on you can download and make amazing quilts, blocks, works to decorate with the most beautiful fabrics and of course, don’t just limit yourself to the example, use your imagination with this block and make amazing works! [opd id=”264″]

Lone Star Quilt Pattern Free

The Traditional Lone Star Quilt Pattern is one of the most recognizable quilt patterns in American quilting history, and with good reason.  The sharp 45° angles of the star quilt points are eye-catching and memorable, not to mention the enormous eight-point star is timeless and beautiful.

Lone Star Quilt Pattern

Lone Star Quilt Pattern
Lone Star Quilt Pattern

Lone Star quilts are characterized by their eight-pointed star in the center of the quilt top. Each side of the quilt has two large points that point north, south, east, and west.

Traditionally, the large 8 point star will be centered on the quilt top, though I have seen a few modern interpretations where the star is offset to one side.

For our Modern Lone Star pattern, we wanted to keep the tradition of having the star as the focal point in the center, but with different blocking and piecing to give it a fresh, contemporary vibe.

I found some fun facts about it and learned quite a bit about the importance of this particular pattern in US history. Other pattern Lone Star can see here.
  1. Before being known as the “Lone Star” pattern, it was known as the “Mathematical Star” in England and the East Coast of the US. Other names include Star of Bethlehem, Star of the East, Morning Star, and Blazing Star.
  2. Traditionally, the Lone Star is comprised of small diamond-shaped blocks.
  3. Texan quilters adopted the name “Lone Star” from the Native Americans who originally came up with the name. Texans called it the Lone Star quilt after they became the “Lone Star State.”
  4.  The Lone Star was (and still is) a complex pattern that can be tricky to master. “Y” seams are used to add fabric to fill the gaps between the star’s points and can be tough to manage.
  5. As pioneers traveled West, the women brought their quilting skills and community with them, which is how the “Mathematical Star” made its way West.
  6.  You can downoad free pdf pattern Traditional Lone Star Quilt Pattern here.[et_bloom_inline optin_id=optin_5]
Lone Star Quilt Pattern
Lone Star Quilt Pattern
The Lone Star quilt has been around for centuries, and it doesn’t seem to be fading anytime soon. It is, personally, one of my favorite designs because of its timeless beauty and versatility in modern quilting. The Lone Star Quilt Pattern: Our Modern Approach to a Traditional Design.[opd id=”263″]

Tonga Focus Quilt Pattern free

Tonga Focus Quilt Pattern is a very interesting pattern that you should really download this PDF to do because it is a very interesting and beautiful work, and it actually reminds a lot of a Bargello. Patterns like this can be used in the most amazing ways and also use in your home decoration or even use the most diverse types of fabrics assembling the most beautiful colors. This pattern is Designed by Osie Lebowitz in www.ttfabrics.com

Tonga Focus Quilt Patterns

Tonga Focus Quilt Patterns
Tonga Focus Quilt Patterns by Designed by Osie Lebowitz

Of course there are other free Quilt Patterns that can be very similar to this, however there are still other very interesting patterns that you can adapt with this, and if you pay attention to what is most interesting in the pattern beyond the fabrics is how it is mounted, if you pay attention to the size of retdetalheso drawing that is formed you will not have any difficulty in making the pattern.

Another very interesting detail that in the case of this PDF in the image that you are or can see above notice that the clearest part as if it formed a river could say or an opening, you can leave the fabrics close together forming a symmetry so to speak.

Of course the pattern is very intense in what designer Osie Lebowitz really wants to pass on to her customers.[et_bloom_inline optin_id=optin_5]

There is something very interesting about all women and men who work with sewing. this detail that I particularly find interesting, even more so because I have been a seamstress for several years, is that we have a refined taste when it comes to finishing, sewing, fabric colors and color combinations.

You also think this way that every detail at the time of making a certain pattern you think, rethink and manage your thoughts to do what pleases your own taste, and when it comes to the end you remember that you are making for your client not for you?

In fact, I have already been through this in creating a pattern, in fact I reproduced a pattern for a client and I was placing the fabrics as I thought it was beautiful to my eyes so there I went undoing all the seams and placing fabrics in the positions that the client asked, at the time I was not angry, but you can be sure that.

I was quite shocked and having to undo half a job done!
my big tip for you as this pattern ends in 2022, is enjoy life have fun while you are healthy, try to work in the best environment possible, be happy, seek God while you have time to do it, and be assured that you will be very blessed that 2023 will make a difference in our lives![opd id=”262″]

Amish Dahlia Quilt Block free

Amish Dahlia Quilt Block pattern has become a favorite among the Amish women who piece it together. Most Amish women take pride in their gardens and love to create a beautiful display of color in this Large Dahlia pattern. This pattern is by www.quilterscache.com.

Amish Dahlia Quilt Block

amish dahlia quilt block
 Amish Dahlia Quilt Block

The women work painstakingly to find beautiful fabrics, matching and piecing them together and hand quilting them with care and as many stitches per inch as possible. The Amish Star block is easier to construct than it looks.

The design is based on a Nine Patch block with Half Square Triangles, Flying Geese and squares making up the patches. I always think of Amish quilts as being mostly solids, but I put my own spin on the block by using prints and making it scrappy. Let’s get started!

Amish Giant Dahlia Quilt is also an interesting point that concerns making the most diverse patterns and of course accepts very well infinite colors applied according to your creativity on this block to then form what you want with the fabrics of your home.

This pattern actually this quilt block helps you to use the scraps left over from other work you have done, it is interesting that this Amish Giant Dahlia Quilt block can be of the most varied colors and even the basic fabric.

You can choose to make a table runner, a runner for the table, and in addition to making a quilt or a lining for your bed, the Amish Star Quilt Block will look very nice when made in gradient by always combining 4 blocks with the gradient outside in or inside out.

amish dahlia quilt block 1
Amish Dahlia Quilt Block

This PDF for the Amish Giant Dahlia Quilt Block, and thus the blocks that you will download give or meet here on our site.[et_bloom_inline optin_id=optin_5]

When you download the PDF, you will also get the link to the website, which you can live but tips and instructions and some extra links to be able to make this block in the best possible way. and of course if you are a beginner and this will help you even more.

We hope you enjoyed and that this block can be part of your collection for 2023 and that it will fulfill the biggest wish you may have, maybe in fulfilling someone’s dream or your own in making a wonderful quilt work.[opd id=”261″]