HomePatchworkKaleidoscope Quilt Pattern

Kaleidoscope Quilt Pattern

Kaleidoscope Quilt Pattern is a pattern very different from those we have seen around if you stop to think about this pattern reminds us of old toy that had exactly that same name and if you don’t know this toy it had an importance do you know what it was?

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Kaleidoscope Quilt Pattern

Kaleidoscope Quilt Pattern
Kaleidoscope Quilt Pattern – Colors red and more blacks colors

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Toy of name Kaleidoscope was very used for the children at least in my time to look inside a kind of ball through an entrance with a lens which amplified shines inside the same that you move your hand and formed the stars in the sky hence calling kaleidoscope as if it were a kind of microscope embedded in a ball View a lens.

Kaleidoscope Quilt Pattern is not much different since its main purpose is exactly to create the appearance of several stars in different shapes but from the same direction.

Can you see at least four different stars? And if you pay more attention each star has a different diameter, a different type, and they have to show you several different star shapes.

This pattern varied according to the size that you were going to make it each part of it is made by blocks the blocks forming you can get an even size of up to 30 however you can make it smaller or larger this according to your taste.

You can follow the pdf and try to make your Kaleidoscope Quilt Pattern in a much easier and practical way particularly I don’t consider it an easy pattern I already judge this pattern as intermediate to experienced.

And believe me this is one of the patterns considered more difficult to make even by experienced people interesting as fabrics and their patterns can make the life of a seamstress difficult for doing certain type of work.

This pattern has the most varied types of colors. I may be a little pessimistic but I believe that there are infinite ways to color this pattern with the most diverse prints and fabric colors.

See now in the middle of the article in the part above a picture In fact a gallery some models of the Kaleidoscope Quilt pattern and confirm that there really are many possibilities for you to make a pattern like this. The good thing is that you can do the things you like best from cool colors to warmer colors.

We hope you enjoyed this pattern and that you can make it as your next job and not to mention that it is boss for the Christmas holidays and will be very welcome in your home decor. Of course, it is up to you to decide how to go about decorating your Christmas party or your home with this wonderful Kaleidoscope Quilt Thief. [opd id=”128″]

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