HomeQuiltingPardon Garden quilt diamonds

Pardon Garden quilt diamonds

The Pardon Garden quilt diamonds t is a classic design made up of diamonds and looks wonderful in any setting.  The diamonds are framed by narrow strips of off white, witch makes them “float” within the setting.

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Pardon Garden quilt diamonds

Pardon Garden quilt
Pardon Garden quilt

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We used all of the 12 Pardon My Garden Fabrics and off-white quilt fabric for the quilt top. You will find a detailed list of materials in the explanation.

The explanation for this Pardon Garden quilt diamonds (and many Tilda quilts to come) is written by our new friend and collaborator Linda Clements. Many of you know her as the woman behind “The Quilter’s Bible”.  Her talent for explanations and step-by-step illustrations is just amazing!

How do you sew a diamond quilt together?

Using your taped thumb guide, measure from the cut edge to the seam and place your pin. Now, push the pin through the seam and into the marked line, making sure the cut edges match up. Sew this seam with a ¼” seam allowance and press open. Voila, Perfect match!

The quilt is made up of blocks of fixed size. Each block is made of four equilateral triangles joined together by seams. The triangles can be cut from fabric or patchwork. To make the pattern, you need to cut two blocks directly opposite each other from the fabric.

The triangles are sewn together diagonally, forming a rhombus. When all the blocks are ready, just sew the sides of the quilt together. The structure of the quilt is simple, but the details are impressive.

For that pattern Pardon Garden quilt diamonds to look stunning it is important you chose the fabrics that clearly express your desire it is true that sometimes we imagine so much a perspective type EA is often so great and when we look it can’t be the same as we desire or really is even better than we want matching the colors is key. Using the precise prints and even more already knowing what the for whom will be the use makes this pattern even more exceptional.


The “Pardon Garden quilt diamonds” quilt is a free quilt pattern available for download. It is a replica of a classic quilt with flower and leaf motifs. The structure of the pattern is simple, but the details are impressive.[opd id=”159″]

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