Spring Basket Pattern wanted to share the steps to making Cathy’s Baskets. This quilt is 35” square so it is the perfect size to hang on the wall or to become a table topper. I made a 10” square pattern for my basket design from freezer paper. I like working this way, it allows me freedom as well as guide lines to work from. I find it is much easier to square things up after I have pieced them and if I start with a guide I get better results.
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Spring Basket Pattern
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So I want to talk a little bit about this pattern now from my point of view. Particularly I didn’t like it, but the interesting thing is that my husband liked it a lot. This Pattern is by friestyle.blogspot.com
Well the truth is that I found it a little strange but if you notice that we can change the colors so to speak, it can look nice, in fact it is even interesting.
This pattern doesn’t have much to say but I can say that it can be very nice to teach my daughter and of course even teach someone you want as your daughter, son, grandson or other.
I really like working with freezer paper and glue this way. I don’t have to be so precise when I cut my pattern pieces and in the end when I trim it all up I still get very straight and clean lines. I’ll show you the rest next time.
Basket quilt is made up of ten 12″ blocks that are arranged to surround one center 12″ x 24″ basket block. The inner border fabric is built into each 12″ block, so it makes a great block-per-month quilt pattern. Intermediate/Advanced skill level using a combination of standard piecing, foundation paper piecing as well as appliqué by hand or machine.
I feel like Spring snuck up on me overnight this year. But I’ll take it! My yard is still in it’s “mostly dead, but hints of yellow” stage right now – my forsythia started blooming this week and just yesterday the daffodils popped open.[opd id=”107″]
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