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Lucky Star Quilt Free Patterns

The lucky star quilt is a beautiful assembly of shreds or pieces and cloths with bright colors that resemble the gold of a beautiful star. Have you spent a few minutes looking at your bed and wondering how it could be a star?

Lucky Star Quilt Free Patterns

This lucky star Quilt is a beautiful that can also be made as a blanket, bed mat or other mat that you want to use in your bed, actually in your bedroom. So, let’s think about this PDF.

Lucky Star Quilt Free Patterns
Lucky Star Quilt Free Patterns

Lucky star Quilt is a very beautiful pattern that has the magic of the stars transmitted in a beautiful colorful blanket where the colors make the eyes dazzle in its assembly and styles of the most diverse, we can make or choose. And you would choose which colors?

Lucky star Quilt is a very beautiful pattern that has the magic of the stars transmitted in a beautiful colorful blanket where the colors make the eyes dazzle in its assembly and styles of the most diverse we can make or choose. And you would choose which colors?

This Lucky star Quilt was made by Sarah Jane who put the colors together in such a simple way that they transmit sensations like peace, joy and love. SEE ALSO: Quilted Wall Hanging

If you’re a mother, father, aunt, or any friend or relative seeing a blanket like this, what’s on your mind? What feeling comes to your mind when you see this beautiful piece of cloth?

For me it brought love. I am very much in love with my husband and this blanket brings me the urge to be with him in the evening.

It is true that with this COVID-19 he is on the front line helping those in need as a volunteer. I don’t have much to do but the masks I can make 5 a day for him to donate to his co-workers.I know we can’t be around for these days, but the fact is that even if separated by a wall at least I can see him a few times a day. It’s… it’s not easy for anyone.

Choosing to make a quilt may not look like it, but it’s hard to achieve because the details we sometimes think are not easy to decide on, such as colours, size and shape. We hope this article can help you decide to make this beautiful lucky star quilt. We want your comment, we want you to share this great PDF.

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Free Pattern Butterfly Quilt

Free Pattern Butterfly Quilt is a wonderful type of pattern created for anyone who wishes to do so. Designed by Judith Sandstrom  in freepatterns.com Sew a fun baby blanket with 3-D butterflies using this free sewing pattern. Four-Patch blocks alternate with Butterfly blocks, making a design that perfectly suits a sweet baby girl. Finished baby blanket size is 42″ x 54″.

Free Pattern Butterfly Quilt

Free Pattern Butterfly Quilt
Free Pattern Butterfly Quilt

Below I will tell you 4 interesting curiosities about butterflies I hope you enjoy this curious read.

1. Butterflies and moths

Beautiful and delicate, all kinds of butterflies are enchanting. However, the moth – a very similar insect – is not so lucky. What many people don’t know is that butterflies and moths are very close species, being considered “sisters” by scientists.

They belong to the order Lepidoptera, one of the most varied in the animal world. In addition to many similarities, butterflies and moths both undergo metamorphosis, changing from caterpillar to cocoon, and finally gaining wings. Many believe that the difference between butterflies and moths is only aesthetic, but this is not true.

To differentiate a moth from a butterfly, it is necessary to pay attention to its anatomy. Butterflies have thin, smooth antennae, while moths have thick, hairy-looking antennae. The wings also give a good indication: When a butterfly is resting, it leaves its wings up. Moths, on the other hand, keep their wings spread wide and lowered.

2. Many butterfly species

You’ve probably already been enchanted by different butterflies. With their varied colors, butterfly flights fill the eyes and warm the heart.

But did you know that there are many, many species of butterflies all over the world? Studies indicate that there are probably more than 150,000 lepidopteran species of butterflies and moths flying around. Of these, more than 3,500 are found in Brazil.

If you are only interested in butterflies, no problem: there are more than 17,500 catalogued species worldwide. This is good news for fans of this insect, who will be able to delight in the flight of thousands of different species!

3. Another curiosity: Taste buds

One of the great curiosities about the butterfly is that it uses its feet for tasting. Have you ever observed a butterfly delicately landing on a flower? Well, you should know that during this graceful act it is actually tasting the flowers with its feet!

It sounds a bit strange to us, but some insects taste flavors through their feet. This is a great way to know which place is safe to land, feed, and even reproduce. And if you imagine that it must be unpleasant to walk around tasting everything, you should know that this is an important evolutionary characteristic for insects!

Free Pattern Butterfly Quilt
Free Pattern Butterfly Quilt

4. The butterfly’s life is short

If you think you could spend an eternity watching beautiful butterflies fly around, we have bad news: in this case, eternity can be very short. Butterfly Quilt pattern have an intense life, but not a very long one.

Did you like it? Now you can download the pattern as a PDF and make it in the colors you find most interesting, but remember that the colors must suit your purpose. So I ask the famous question? To whom would you give this quilt as a gift?

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Classic Quilt Blocks Ohio Star free

Classic Quilt Blocks Ohio Star is a nine-patch quilt block made with five plain squares and four quarter-square triangle units. It’s a classic block that’s easy to make, but do take care to sew an accurate quarter inch seam allowance when assembling the patchwork units. The Ohio Star block is rich in history and has been around since the early 1800’s. Like a lot of blocks, it’s known by a few other names – Variable Star, Eastern Star and Western Star, depending on it’s geographical location or time period.

Classic Quilt Blocks Ohio Star – The Story

Classic Quilt Blocks Ohio Star
Classic Quilt Blocks Ohio Star by http://threadbarecreations.blogspot.com

The Classic Quilt Blocks Ohio Star free is another claaaasic pattern with an awesome history, amazing modern variations, and a few key tips from yours truly.

Buckle up your bonnets. This one’s good. Our story today is brought to you by famous quilt scholar Barbara Brackman. Brackman gives us some great Ohio-related Civil War history that we can connect back with the Ohio Star Quilt pattern.

It all starts in the mid 1800s in Oberlin, Ohio. You may have heard of Oberlin College – I had, but I hadn’t heard about the incredible values it was founded on. Even in these really early years, Oberlin College opened up their institution to women and African-Americans. This was extremely radical during the 1800s, and really put Oberlin on the map as a place that welcomed freed slaves and liberal thinkers.

This is exactly why Oberlin, Ohio attracted John Brown, an anti-slavery fighter who was recruiting soldiers to help him in an operation to take over a federal arsenal in Harper’s Ferry. John Brown ended up recruiting Lewis Sheridan Leary, who left behind his family to help John Brown and his cause. Both men were ultimately killed for this anti-slavery efforts, leaving them and those working alongside them to be remembered as heroes.​

Lewis Sheridan Leary’s wife, Mary Patterson Leary, learned of her husband’s death when a shawl she had sewn for him was returned, riddled with bullet holes.

Mary was remembered by her son and grandson as often sitting in a rocking chair, sewing. An Ohio Star quilt was reproduced in her honor, and is now in the International Quilt Museum to honor those left behind by soldiers who met their demise during the Civil War. The Ohio Star quilt reminds many of John Brown, Lewis Sheridan Leary, and others who sacrificed their life to make our country a place where everyone could live without fear.

I love thinking of all that the Classic Quilt Blocks Ohio Star free represents – such a rich history of our country that has been passed down through something as simple and functional as a quilt.​

This pattern is by threadbarecreations.blogspot.com. A really interesting story, don’t you think? So let’s download the pattern that is most important for you now!

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Modern Lone Star Lap Quilt Pattern Free

Modern Lone Star Lap Quilt Pattern It is a wonderful modern pattern as the name says, an easy pattern to make, that can have many applications in its use, in decoration, in the present, in the practice of your home, but do you know what is really the Modern Lone Star Lap Quilt Pattern? The pattern is made of small diamonds pieced together in eight sections. These sections join together to create the eight-point star.

What is Lone Star pattern?

Modern Lone Star Lap Quilt Pattern
Modern Lone Star Lap Quilt Pattern

This Designed and Machine Quilted by KONDA LUCKAU here in quiltingdaily.com. This colorful jelly-roll-friendly lap quilt pattern is the very essence of modern Christmas décor! The Snow-Kissed Star lap quilt uses quick strip piecing to make short work of the sparkling star points, for a fun new take on the beloved Lone Star quilt. SKILL LEVEL: Intermediate – FINISHED SIZE: 56″ x 56″

Various Lone Star quilt pattern names are given to the pattern with a large central star, made up of diamond shaped fabric to form the star points from the center out. Often the colors are chosen and placed to form what appear to be concentric circles radiating around the center.

The pattern of the star quilt is inspired by the Morning Star. The Morning Star is the last and brightest star in the eastern horizon before dawn. It is believed the Morning Star represents the way the spirits come to Earth and serves as a link between the living and those who have passed.

Historically, star patterns were created with plant dyes and adorned buffalo hides and tipis. When missionaries arrived in the mid-to-late 1800’s, they introduced textiles and sewing to Native American women and the star quilt was born.


The star quilt’s tradition of honor grew as the quilts were draped around the shoulders of Lakota warriors and hunters when they returned from battle, a successful hunt, or at the start of Haŋblečeya — Vision Quests. It was also presented at funerals to honor loved ones on their final journey.

Today, star quilts are one of the most valued gifts of the Lakota (Sioux) people and are still draped over the shoulders of the recipient to symbolize protection on their journey through life.

Star quilts may be used:

As banners in schools for graduations and other school functions As altar cloths in churches or placed on top of sweat lodges To mark momentous life events such as a wedding or a child’s birth As a gesture of sympathy to a family honoring the passing of a loved one.

Download Pattern

Now that you know well what a Lone Star Lap Quilt is, you can quietly download this beautiful pattern from the image, not to mention that you can also make it in the colors you like best and of course match the special occasion that suits you best.

Something very nice about this pattern is that you can make it as a gift for someone you want for a festive occasion or something particular. Download the pattern now for free.

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Dripping With Diamonds

Dripping With Diamonds Quilt Pattern is the kind of bedding blanket or quilt that many women are loving to make to put in their bedroom and make their bedroom decor as peaceful and tender as possible.

Diamonds on Parede Quilt Pattern

Dripping With Diamonds
Dripping With Diamonds

he combined colors of blue with beige pulling for the lighter blue combined with them and their Deep Bar works 13 decorative you can leave your bed even more sensational is interesting the fact that you can use various types of prints and colors to leave the environment of your room according to your taste.

Dripping With Diamonds by Nancy Scott – Ideas

One of them several combinations that can be done with fabric is you use a silk some 300 on the part of the long Blue list you can use any fabric Macedo video even a good velvet this goes according to your taste Particularly I want to use a silk and in place of the blue substitutes black couscous makes it in mind very beautiful.

Another very interesting point is that the prints you can use them for Christmas things and on the blue stripe you can do green or you can do also red matching the Christmas colors on the plain part you can invert between white, green and red.

Dripping With Diamonds by Nancy Scott

Dripping With Diamonds by Nancy Scott. Blend lots of blue fabrics to piece an intriguing pattern made with Square-in-a-Square and Framed Square blocks. This e-pattern was originally published in Weekend Scrap Quilting.

  • Size: 78″ x 90″. Block Size: 12″ x 12″.
  • Skill Level: Beginner

Dripping With Diamonds Download

If for some reason you have accessed it and cannot download it then you can use the download button below. We hope you enjoyed this pattern and that you can use it to make for your Christmas after all two wonderful things like this should be part of special occasions for you and your family.

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Quilt Tic Tac Toe Pattern Free

Quilt Tic Tac Toe Pattern Free that’s right it’s free PDF for you to download but first let’s make it clear that this pattern I found is not mine, but from my.modafabrics.com. Particularly when talking about this pattern I found nothing on modafabrics.com’s own website and with that I will speak (MY) point of view about the pattern and the idea that (I

Quilt Tic Tac Toe Pattern Free

Quilt Tic Tac Toe Pattern Free
Quilt Tic Tac Toe Pattern Free

Quilt Tic Tac Toe is a pattern with designer Robin Pickens and of course different, exciting and that all our family can have fun in something completely made by you! The intention of a pattern like this is really for children, young people and teenagers (not necessarily in that order) but it is said that even I go crazy… because I love this game and I play it with my husband and can you believe that I haven’t had the idea of making this pattern yet?

Well, it’s true that a pattern that we can interact directly with him becomes something more fun to do because, when we do something that directly our family will participate in after it’s done, it’s even more rewarding, don’t you agree?

Well about the colors I personally liked, but what caught my attention is that we can make the “X” or the “O” in the colors we like or better, in the colors that our children like.

We can make it in shades of pink or more feminine colors for our daughters, we can make it in masculine colors for those who have children (men), in fact the possibilities of making such a pattern are so high that it really scares us.

Facebook Group Quilt


When following the PDF from modafabrics.com you should keep in mind that you can increase or decrease as you use the pattern, and don’t forget that you can make a blanket, a tablecloth and much more with this pattern.

Quilt Tic Tac Toe Pattern Free is for you to download and start making today for everyone in your family, don’t just make one pattern like this, make at least two more so that your family can have a spare or when someone goes on vacation can take one and stay at home.

Quilt Tic Tac Toe Download

Now that you know what to do all you have to do is download the pattern. For this we will put here for you to download if you can not download it here in front can then use the field below and put your email to receive directly.

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Lone Star Baby Quilt Free Pattern

Lone Star Baby Quilt Free Pattern There’s nothing quite as simple and traditional as a good old-fashioned star quilt block, and now you can put a modern twist on it with this Lone Star Baby Quilt Pattern. Using a larger star quilt as inspiration, it’s easy to take one of the most well-known quilt patterns in the world and make it mini, turning this beautiful design into a cuddly little quilt your little one can snuggle up with. Follow this easy tutorial and use the half square triangle technique with layer cake fabrics to create this timeless pattern in baby quilt form. This pattern is by Amy Smart and I’m a quilter, pattern and fabric designer,

Lone Star Baby Quilt Free Pattern

Lone Star Baby Quilt Free Pattern
Lone Star Baby Quilt Free Pattern

I am sure that just like me you also love crafts especially when it comes to children or in this case newborns. It is true that drinking patterns or this Morning Star Baby Quilt Free pattern  is not very easy although there is a great diversity of ideas adapted for children.

Particularly I prefer very adaptable for children, because most of the time I like to take a pattern let’s say so but home and adult style and try to transform it into something for a baby because when we get to the final conclusion is with a very childish face.

This Lone Star Baby Quilt Free for example expresses very well what I mean if you put some different shades maybe darker or even prints you will see that it will be well suited to decorating your home, and as you are or will do to adapt a baby colors or prints for children really make a difference transforming the pattern so something cheerful, fun and childlike.

This pattern Lone Star Baby Quilt show exactly how something seemingly simple can become fun and cute Especially when it is adaptable from the heart I hope you make this pattern I hope you can download and use it to make for your baby if you have or for your children or relatives really wonderful this pattern!

You can access the tutorial for this pattern here diaryofaquilter.com at the link to the original site for this pattern. If you cannot access the site for any of the expected ones, put your e-mail address in the field below to be directed to your default e-mail address.

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Morning Star Baby Quilt Free

Morning Star Baby Quilt Free There’s nothing quite as simple and traditional as a good old-fashioned star quilt block, and now you can put a modern twist on it with this Lone Star Baby Quilt Pattern. Using a larger star quilt as inspiration, it’s easy to take one of the most well-known quilt patterns in the world and make it mini, turning this beautiful design into a cuddly little quilt your little one can snuggle up with. Follow this easy tutorial and use the half square triangle technique with layer cake fabrics to create this timeless pattern in baby quilt form. This pattern is by Amy Smart and I’m a quilter, pattern and fabric designer,

Morning Star Baby Quilt Free

Morning Star Baby Quilt Free
Morning Star Baby Quilt Free

I am sure that just like me you also love crafts especially when it comes to children or in this case newborns. It is true that drinking patterns or this Morning Star Baby Quilt Free pattern  is not very easy although there is a great diversity of ideas adapted for children.

Particularly I prefer very adaptable for children, because most of the time I like to take a pattern let’s say so but home and adult style and try to transform it into something for a baby because when we get to the final conclusion is with a very childish face.

This pattern for example expresses very well what I mean if you put some different shades maybe darker or even prints you will see that it will be well suited to decorating your home, and as you are or will do to adapt a baby colors or prints for children really make a difference transforming the pattern so something cheerful, fun and childlike.

This pattern Morning Star Baby Quilt Free show exactly how something seemingly simple can become fun and cute Especially when it is adaptable from the heart I hope you make this pattern I hope you can download and use it to make for your baby if you have or for your children or relatives really wonderful this pattern!

You can access the tutorial for this pattern here diaryofaquilter.com at the link to the original site for this pattern. If you cannot access the site for any of the expected ones, put your e-mail address in the field below to be directed to your default e-mail address.

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Jungle Patchwork Baby Quilt Free Pattern

Jungle Patchwork Baby Quilt did by Jessica and I blog at SewCraftyJess. I am so excited to share my very first Moda Bake Shop tutorial with you today. It seems I am often needing to make baby quilts for different friends and families new additions, so I am always on the lookout for adorable kiddo fabrics.

Jungle Patchwork Baby Quilt

Jungle Patchwork Baby Quilt
Jungle Patchwork Baby Quilt

When I came across Bungle Jungle by Tim and Beck, I just had to put together a baby quilt showcasing all of the adorable prints in such fun colors, and I’m excited to share it with you today!

To do this pattern you go need:

  • One Charm Pack: Tim & Beck Bungle Jungle
  • One Jelly Roll: Tim & Beck Bungle Jungle
  • 1 1/2 Yard Bella Solid in White


1.  From white solid:
Cut (22) 1.5″ x WOF strips

  • Subcut (4) 1.5″ strips into (32) 4″ x 1.5″ pieces
  • Subcut (6) 1.5″ strips into (32) 6″ x 1.5″ pieces
  • Subcut (2) 1.5″ strips into (16) 5″ x 1.5″ pieces
  • Subcut (3) 1.5″ strips into (12) 10″ x 1.5″ pieces
  • Subcut (5) 1.5″ strips into (5) 41 1/2″ x 1.5″ pieces
  • Subcut (2) 1.5″ strips into (2) 43 1/2″ x 1.5″ pieces
  • SEE ALSO: Tutorial Block 5 Meet the Makers Quilt
  • Cut (3) 3.5″ x WOF strips for quilt back
  • 2.  Choose 16 charms to be the centers of each block and trim to 4″ square
  • 3.  Pair each of your trimmed charms with 5″ charm and matching jelly roll strip (5″ charm and jelly roll strip should match)
4.  From each jelly roll strip, cut (2) 10″ strips from the selvedge edges.  We will be using the remaining ~20″ of jelly roll strip for the binding, set aside.
Did you like this pattern? So leave your comment with some tips and suggestions, ideas and of course you should visit the SewCraftyJess blog to see more wonderful patterns like this.
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Batik Log Cabin Pillow Free Patterns

A Batik Log Cabin Pillow Free Patterns of Log Cabin blocks showcases beautiful batiks in a rainbow of colors. Fabrics are from the Java Batiks collection by Maywood Studio. Inspired by Dotty from designer Jill Abeloe Mead Quilt tester: Jan Ragaller. Here you have the better pillow patchwork for download. This pattern is free and you can see more in Maywood.

Batik Log Cabin Pillow Free Pattern

Batik Log Cabin Pillow
Batik Log Cabin Pillow


• Scraps of assorted batiks for centers (blocks)

• 9-5″ squares of assorted batiks for round 1 (blocks)

• 9-7″ squares of assorted batiks for round 2 (blocks)

• 18×22″ piece (fat quarter) blue batik (backing)

• 15″ square pillow form

SEE ALSO: Sofa cover with free patterns pockets

Finished pillow: 15″

Yardages and cutting instructions are based on 42″ of usable fabric width.

Measurements include 1⁄4″ seam allowances. Sew with right sides together unless otherwise stated.

Cut Fabrics

Cut pieces in the following order.

From assorted batik scraps for centers, cut:

• 9-1-1⁄2″ squares

From each assorted batik for round 1, cut:

• 1-1-1⁄2 ×3-1⁄2″ strip

• 2-1-1⁄2 ×2-1⁄2″ strips

• 1-1-1⁄2″ square

From each assorted batik for round 2, cut:

• 1-1-1⁄2 ×5-1⁄2″ strip

• 2-1-1⁄2 ×4-1⁄2″ strips

• 1-1-1⁄2 ×3-1⁄2″ strip

From blue batik, cut:

• 2-10-1⁄4×15-1⁄2″ rectangle

Assemble Blocks

1. Gather one center batik 1-1⁄2″ square, a set of round 1 batik pieces (one 1-1⁄2 ×3-1⁄2″ strip, two 1-1⁄2 ×2-1⁄2″ strips, and one 1-1⁄2″ square), and a set of round 2 batik pieces (one 1-1⁄2 ×5-1⁄2″ strip, two 1-1⁄2 ×4-1⁄2″ strips, and one 1-1⁄2 ×3-1⁄2″ strip).

2. Sew together center and round 1 square to make a center unit (Diagram 1). Press seam away from center square.

3. Add a round 1-1-1⁄2 ×2-1⁄2″ strip to right-hand edge of center unit (Diagram 2). Press seam away from center unit.

4. Add remaining round 1-1-1⁄2 ×2-1⁄2″ strip to bottom edge of center unit (Diagram 3). Press seam away from center unit. Add round 1-1-1⁄2 ×3-1⁄2″ strip to left-hand edge (Diagram 4). Press seam away from center unit.

5. Referring to Diagram 5, add round 2 strips in clockwise order to make a block. Press all seams away from center unit. The block should be 5-1⁄2″ square including seam allowances.

6. Repeat steps 1–5 using remaining center batik squares and rounds 2 and 3 batik sets to make nine blocks total.

Assemble Pillow Top

Referring to Pillow Assembly Diagram, lay out blocks in three rows, rotating center blocks as shown to offset seams. Sew together blocks to make pillow top. Press seams open. The pillow top should be 15-1⁄2″ square including seam allowances.

Finish Pillow

1. Turn one long edge of each blue batik 10-1⁄4×15-1⁄2″ rectangle under 1⁄4″; press. Turn same long edges under 1⁄4″ again; press. Topstitch folded edges to hem.

2. Referring to Pillow Back Assembly Diagram, overlap hemmed edges of blue batik pieces about 4″ to make a 15-1⁄2″ square. Stitch across overlaps to make pillow back.

3. Layer Batik Log Cabin Pillow Free Patterns top and pillow back with right sides together. Stitch all edges to make pillow cover. Turn right side out through opening in pillow back; press. Insert 15″-square pillow form to complete pillow.

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